FrequencyCast UK - Show 71
The show notes to go with Show 71 of our online technology radio show.
Show 71: NEWS
This show's news section covered the following stories:
Channel 5 HD: Back in 2010, Channel 5 surprised the industry by dropping its plans to launch an HD service on Freeview. The HD slot was put up for offer last year, and Channel 5 applied (again) for an HD licence. They've now decided to drop their plans, again, citing "issues of commercial importance". It seems that no-one wants the fifth Freeview HD slot.
- Apple iTV: Rumours of new plans for Apple to dominate the TV market have stepped up. We're hearing stories of iTV sets due to appear by the Summer of 2012. These TV sets will have Apple's technology built in, and a customisable TV interface. Steve Jobs is quoted as saying that Apple has "cracked TV" with "the simplest interface imaginable" and seamless sync to the iCloud, and may even have Siri-like voice control. There's also talk of TV functionality built into the next iMacs.
- Radio Shopping: If you're a fan of the many TV shopping channels on Freeview and Freesat, you'll be pleased to know that the first radio shopping channel is now on-air. Broadcasting 22 hours a day on Sky 0184, the station is brought to you by Canis Media and WRN Broadcast. Credit cards at the ready!
- Collins Online: Collins have just launched a free online version of its dictionary, a first for a major dictionary publisher. The service has over 120,000 dictionary entries, rising to 220,000 entries by March. The service supports pronunciations, predictive search and a frequency usage graph.
Virgin Media Updates: Virgin customers can expect some goodies in 2012 - CBS Action and Sony TV have been added, more 3D content will soon be added to the On Demand service, and TiVo users can expect a new BBC Sport app, which will cover F1, Wimbledon and London 2012.
- Channel news: NME TV will leave Sky and Freesat in January
- And finally: Cable TV firm Virgin has apologised for what's being dubbed "an over-zealous" obscenity checker. Last month, the Virgin Electronic Programme Guide started replacing innocent names with asterisks, to protect our innocent eyes. Shows such as Never Mind The Buzzcocks, and the Golden Age of Canals, as well as respected folk such as Alfred Hitchcock, Jarvis Cocker, Charles Dickens and even the football team Arsenal, were all censored briefly - Link to Screen Grabs.
FOCUS: Review of 2011
In this show, we review the highlights of the last year in TV and Tech, and review what Pete and Carl have been up to. For pics and links, see the transcript!
Featured: Nintendo 3DS Update
The 3D handheld console from Nintendo has been updated. Our look at what's new with the updated Nintendo 3DS
Cast 71: Interactive
Thanks to everyone who got in touch. In this show, we respond to the following mails and calls:
X-Box 360 Update:
Robin used our mobile app (available for iPhone and Android) to get in touch asking "How about an update on the new x-box dashboard update?"
After a little delay, the new X-Box 360 rolled out at the start of December, adding some new services such as 4oD and LoveFilm. BBC iPlayer is promised for later in 2012 apparently. The Metro interface looks all shiny and new, but online comments show a mixed "marmite" reaction. Any comments? Let us know...
Printing from an iPad
This in from George: "Following on from your recent focus on printing, I'd like to know if you have any advice for printing from an iPad. My mother-in-law has recently bought an iPad2 and would like to be able to print to her Epson Stylus SX425W directly from it. Her printer is set up for wireless printing, though doesn't support Mac's Airprint protocol.
If here printer's connected to a Mac, take a look at Printopia. Otherwise, check out the PrintCentral or Print apps on the iPad App Store. These allow you to print to ALL printers (Not just AirPrint Printers). Print direct to most WiFi/Wireless printers without additional software, or to any printer connected to your PC or Mac.
High-tech iVicar:
Thanks to Phil Bridges for this little snippet: His local vicar was performing a service where she had to read out the 1939 King's speech, but unfortunately had left her notes on the kitchen table! With the clock ticking Kate promptly whipped out her iPhone, Googled the Kings speech and bingo, she was back in business! Full story
You can leave us a voicemail by calling 020 8133 4567, or sending us a message. We'd love to hear from a few more of you, so please get in touch and say "hi" - our shows are driven by your feedback - So talk to us!
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