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HD - Top Two Questions Answered

Our most common questions - what's the difference between 720 and 1080, and what's Full HD? Here's our Pete to answer both questions

Listen to FrequencyCast Show 56 - HD Questions Answered

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Two HD Questions:

In this show, Pete answered two of our most commonly asked HD questions:

Follows on from the 3D Transcript


Cool - So that's 3D. What about HD?


Yes - we're often asked for some help with some of the terms. One of our most common questions is the first one, Carl.


"What does 720 and 1080 mean?"


In HD, 720i, 720p, 1080i and 1080p - that refers to the number of lines, so 720 or 1080 lines, and in general p is better than i. P stands for progressive, and i stands for interlaced. The best you can get is called full HD, which is 1080p.


Thank you very much. Next ... "What does "HD ready" actually mean?"


Now, this confuses a lot of people. They go out and buy a HD ready TV, Freeview HD's now launched, and people are confused - they can't get Freeview HD on their HD ready TV. So what HD ready means is, it's a TV set that is capable of displaying a high definition picture, when it's connected to an HD source. What it doesn't mean is that your TV has a built-in Freeview or Freesat HD receiver.


Oh - that's clarified something for me. That was the wrong thing I bought.


So if you get a TV that's HD ready, it doesn't necessarily mean that it has Freeview HD in it. If you've got an HD ready TV, and you want Freeview HD, you'll need a separate box. Otherwise, what you need to look out for is an HD TV with Freeview HD built in. A bit confusing, but hopefully we've clarified.


And we'll write something about that on our website, just in case people would like to recap it.


Indeed we will - thank you very much.

More help: HD Ready Defined and HD TV Basics

Followed by our Triax Tri-link Review

Listen to FrequencyCast Show 56 - HD Questions Answered

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