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GPS Gadgets: Locators and Trackers Reviewed

In Show 43 of the FrequencyCast Tech podcast, the team looked at GPS watches, iPhone Sat Navs and two GPS locator / tracker gadgets.

On this page, you'll find a link to the show, a transcript of the feature, plus pictures of the two locator gadgets we reviewed.

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Transcript of Show 43's feature on GPS Locators:


A couple of final things I want to mention while we're talking about GPS, you can obviously now get cameras with built in GPS, which means if you take a photo, it'll take a stamp of where you were, and actually back in show 29 we talked about this little device - do you remember that?


I remember that, I gotcha!


Yes, so this is the i-gotU, it's basically a very small GPS receiver. When you take a photo with your camera, you just click the button, and that will log where you were when you took that particular photo, then you can marry up your photos and your GPS location, and overlay it onto something like Google Maps. This is slightly smaller than the one we reviewed in show 29. You can view your journey on Google Maps or Google Earth, and you can also get it to automatically record where you are every five, ten, 15, 20 or 60 seconds, which is quite nice.


Just as clever as it was the first time I saw it.

iGotU Tracker
GPS Tracker - iGotU at Maplin


Then there's this other one.


Oooh - that looks quite swish, doesn't it? That's the same as your watch face.


This device holds in your hand, and basically it's got a compass display - all it is is a very small GPS receiver, and it's simply so you can find your location. So this will store five pre-defined locations, and if you want to go to one of those five, you just use this device, click on it, and it will point, give you how far away you are in miles or kilometres, and a direction you should walk. So it's quite handy for walkers that go wandering off, to be able to find their way back. You can also enter destinations manually, so you can type in the longitude and latitude, and that is £50.


Well, I won't need to find a treasure chest to buy that one, then.

GPS Director
GPS Director - From Maplin


Oh, and just thank you to Steve, our producer, who's just waved a piece of paper in front of me reminding me that the CoPilot that we talked about earlier is also available for Windows Mobile, and they've just brought out a version for the Android, so £22 will get you an Android version of CoPilot, which is for the HTC Magic Dream Hero and G1. There you go.


I know where I am now, I don't feel quite so lost.

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