Pete’s TV show of the moment is this sideways look at modern life, TV and online marketing, hosted by Dave Gorman. Pete chats about Dave on Dave, and why you should be watching.
Listen to FrequencyCast Show 92 – Dave Gorman’s Show Reviewed
Dave Gorman a.k.a. Rick Stivens:
In Show 92, we discuss "Modern Life is Good (ish) on Dave. Here’s the transcript…
Transcript continues from iPhone 5s, 5c and iOS 7 Review
OK, moving on, you’re a Twitter user, aren’t you?
I wish! Not really. I’m definitely well under the 500 mark.
Well, you need to be following @RickStivens.
You weren’t watching one of my favourite TV channels a couple of weeks ago, were you?
I don’t think so.
Dave Gorman, awesome bloke, hilarious – you need to be watching his "Modern Life is Goodish" series on Dave, Tuesday night, ten o’clock. You and everyone else listening should watch it. It’s all about marketing, and how ads and the online world is messing with us, and it is absolutely hilarious.
OK, what has he picked up?
When I’m watching the telly, I don’t normally laugh out loud, but this got me crying with laughter. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. What he’s done is, he’s taken pictures of ads in underground stations for mobile phones, and started focusing on the detail of what the screen say. He found a Samsung phone that had a tweet, sort of a fake tweet on the screen, from this guy called Rick Stivens, saying, "Playing in the band tonight", or something along those lines. He went home, he went online, and he looked, and there was no such person, so it’s a fake account – fair enough.
Fair enough.
So what he did was, he created an account for Rick Stivens, and created a false identity for this guy, and this guy has now got thousands of followers off the back of this.
Read some of his tweets – the first one is actually the one that went up on the poster, so just read that one for me.
"Been so busy with my work, and the band. Finally got everything back in order."
So that was the first real tweet, followed by the second one that Mr Gorman put up there.
"I’m really hating my Samsung phone. It’s just awful, the worst on the market."
And he’s put a few other ones here: "I’d reply to more people, but my phone keeps messing things up." So he’s slightly messed with Samsung’s marketing campaign by stealing the identity of a fake Twitter user – how cool!
So you need to be watching Mr Gorman – he’s very, very funny, and he’s got some interesting takes on all the tech and all the marketing that we take for granted.
I like it. I will have to tune in at some point.
And please follow Rick Stivens.
I will!
While our listeners are frantically looking up Mr Stivens, let us talk about something that’s coming up in a few days’ time from now.
Transcript continues: Solar Challenge 2013 – Cambridge University Interview
Listen to FrequencyCast Show 92 – Dave Gorman’s Show Reviewed