Greetings from the team at FrequencyCast. This is to let you know that our September 2015 show is available for download, or to listen to online. In this show, Pete gives Kelly a guided tour of his man-cave… will she survive? Listen to find out…
What’s in Show 115:
Here’s what we cover in the latest episode of FrequencyCast:
- News: Data breaches, new stuff from Apple, drones & Facebook M
- First Look: Around Pete’s Home Office
- Focus: Office 365 & Cloud Computing
- First Look: whatsonit scheduling app
- Interview:MySmartRemote car security
- Discussed: TX Factor – Radio enthusiast’s TV show
- Feedback: BBC iPlayer on old iOS, Flash security, solar meters and powerline
How To Get The Show:
You can download Show 115 to your smartphone, computer or MP3 player, or you can listen to the show online at , where you will also find instructions on how to subscribe (for free, of course).
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Show Links:
- Show notes:
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Until the next show… Share and Enjoy!
Re: Your problem with BT. A couple of comments.
1. Loss of line. This happened to me a while back. Phone suddenly went dead. Looked out of the window I saw a BT man up a pole. Like you he wouldn’t believe he had caused it. I persisted by saying it couldn’t just be chance and finally he looked and saw he had dislodged a connection and fixed it there and then. Subsequently other BT Engineers have told me that back in the 60’s or 70’s the price of copper went through the roof. So BT (then Post Office Communications I guess) started fitting aluminum connectors (as you know also a good electrical conductor). But unfortunately over time aluminum starts to
ot so 40 or 50 years later we have a problem. The slightest touch and the the connector just falls apart.
2. Getting the fault fixed. A while ago I had a problem. No broadband (but phone was OK). I kept ringing India but all they do is read off a screen. No one in India will pick up a phone and call the UK to get the real answer. After a week of being given the run-around on a Saturday afternoon I emailed the BT Chief Exec (the email address is easily found on-line). You could have knocked me over with a feather when a BT Openreach Engineer knocked on my front door at 8.00 am on the Sunday morning. Anyway the problem was due to the fact that the fault was showing as logged on the BT Retail system but not showing in the BT Openreach system. So all that time I spent talking to India was a total waste of time as BT Openreach didn’t know about the fault. All of this could have been resolved IF BT in India had the ability to just pick up a phone and speak to Openreach and not just read off their computer screen. I have subsequently found out BT have a small dedicated team who respond to emails to the Chief Exec and they have the ability to cut through all the BT bureaucracy. But for obvious reasons BT don’t publicize this as an option for Customers!