We seemed to have stirred up some attention following our coverage of Apple’s announcement of iOS6, the operating system that’s due to launch later this year from iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you’ve not heard the piece in question, it’s in Show 77.
It looks like another example of a situation where we can’t please all of the people, all of the time. If we say something positive about Apple, we get complaints from Android users. If we’re at all critical of Apple, we get complaints from fan boys. Just today, we have a great example.
Ian Anderson Gray on Twitter reports that we’re too “Pro” Apple, saying:
“…My only comment is to ask you to try & ensure platform agnosticism. Sometimes there’s a tinge of an Apple bias!”
In the comments section of our posting on our Gadget Show Live coverage recently, we had this from bazza:
“If anyone listened to you update show they be forgiven if they thought you were reporting on the iGadget Show. Well screw those others not in the high market share, they don’t deserve a mention.”
On the flip side, Paul Rusling has today suggested that we’ve been anti-Apple in our report of iOS6:
“I was a bit disturbed by your script today, esp re the new IOS 6 for apple mobile devices. It was very dismissive and didn’t mention, for example, that there were over 200 new features, nor indeed some of those that are going to be very very welcome. Without ploughing thru such a list, the one that I think will be terrific is the ability to have your phone ‘screen’ incoming calls, only allowing callers with ‘VIP’ status to ring your phone , and others to get Mailbox – which will save me quite a few unnecessary wake up calls at 3 am! Only those I really want to reach me, or who desperately need to reach me, will get through. Betcha that’s an a very welcome and much used feature within a year!
But in general, I just found the tone of the piece a bit dismissive of Apple and VERY supportive of Android, which looks pretty old hat and clumsy to me (But I confess I have used nothing but Apple since 1988)”
A battle we’re never going to win, but we’d welcome your thoughts in the comments section below.
Phone Usage
In our Listener Survey, we asked what phones our listeners are using. Overall winner is Android, although since reporting this, the iPhone number has been creeping up, as Apple fans try to correct the situation!

iOS6 Report
Paul’s comments about the iOS6 coverage are interesting. We feel that we’re justified in not being too impressed the with new features planned for iOS6, and here’s why:
- Facebook integration: Android has had Facebook integration for some time. It’s only just coming to iOS
- “Divert to voicemail” is not a new feature. OK – it’ll be handy to have that, but old Nokia and Sony Ericsson handsets offered that 10 years ago
- Siri still does not fully work in the UK. Try asking it to find you a local chemist. You will be told that it doesn’t work outside the US.
- FaceTime currently only works over a wi-fi connection, and I think it’s safe to say it’s not changed the world.
- VIP calling: This has been available as a free Android app for two years (“VIP Alert” for Android OS 2.0)
As far as features are concerned, Android phones do offer features not found on the iPhone, for example “Recent apps”, better Contacts integration with other apps, Face recognition, calendar sharing, tabbed-browsing, and quite a few others. Many Android phones have features such as FM radio and NFC, not yet found on the iPhone.
Sure, most of the Android phones aren’t as sexy or desirable as the iPhone, and the iPhone users here at FrequencyCast wouldn’t dump their iPhone 4S handsets for anything. Nonetheless, we stand by our views that Apple iOS6 isn’t a major leap forward, and we’re struggling to find anything it offers that isn’t being done by other smartphone makers out there.
Perhaps this is something for discussion in the next show. Got any thoughts? Start the debate below!
I don’t think you’re biased, but as a tech show I think you ignore others far too often in favour of the “popular” choice and its seems a little lazy.
I use a windows smartphone btw and I’ve been a long time listener. Considering Microsoft made alot of recent announcements on their phones and pc OS, I hope you at least do a feature on that.
I think the debate should be three way. I am a Microsoft Windows Phone user and it has some features that are much better than Android or Apple