Today, the 25th of March 2011, marks the launch of the first handheld 3D console – and one that doesn’t need glasses to get an impressive 3D experience. Equipped with stereo audio, a 3D camera, wi-fi and some built-in games, this is a very impressive pocket console.
We’re working on a full hands-on review for our next podcast, and we’d love to get your questions. What do you want to know? What would you like us to try? Fire away with your questions and we’ll try to include your comments in our 3DS special.
If you’re looking to buy a Nintendo 3DS, then online is your best bet – will sell you one for £187 (next day delivery available!
If you want to buy on the high street… it’ll cost you. At GAME, the 3DS will cost you £219 (although it’s £197 on their website! Most other high street stores will do it for £219 too.
TIP: There is one cheaper way to get one on the high street – At the time of writing (25th March), the 3DS is £197 online at Comet – Do a Click and Collect, and you can get it in-store for £197 within 30 minutes – A saving of £22 over the likes or Argos, GAME and HMV on the High Street.
If you have a comment or question on the new Nintendo 3DS, we’d love you to leave us a comment!