As any good hitchhiker knows, the central repository of all knowledge in the Universe, is the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, with Wikipedia coming a close second…
There is, of course, the oft-forgotten H2G2 – The online encyclopedia originally created by fans of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, the Douglas Adams classic.
H2G2 is a kind of precursor to Wikipedia, where entries could be added and updated, to make for a user-generated directory of all things.
For the last ten years, good old Auntie Beeb has been hosting H2G2, but now it seems that the site is set to shift from the BBC, as part of announced cutbacks. Keen to ensure that the mass of data doesn’t vanish into a black hole, H2G2 is looking for a new home (or more importantly, a new buyer).We wish them well, and hope they continue to Share and Enjoy.
To find out what H2H2 is all about, visit
For more on this story, see h2g2 Rescue Mission @ The Register