It looks like radio station BBC 6 Music is set to survive.
Plans to close the music station were announced by BBC bosses in March, but today, the BBC Trust has announced that plans to shut the station are to be shelved, and the station will carry on.
Not so lucky is BBC Asian Network, which appears set to close.
The saving of 6 Music has been widely regarded as a good move, and will come as great news to the various campaigners and lobby groups who’ve been applying pressure to the BBC online and offline.
The station now has 1 million listeners (up from 600,000 prior to the threatened closure), with many people tuning in for the first time to hear what all the fuss was about.
A result all around, and the station’s gained a huge amount of press coverage, awareness and listeners – a cynic could even remark that this has been a very successful BBC marketing campaign. But not us.