We’d like to introduce you to Chumby…
Always keen to explore new gadgets, we think the Chumby is a rather interesting concept – somwhere between a Nabaztag and a Joggler, the Chumby sits quietly where you put it, and uses an wi-fi Internet connection to pull down weather, news, Internet radio, podcasts (including ours, we hope), and whole host of other feeds and content via Flash widgets (around 1,500 of them).
Thanks to Michael Johnson, one of our regular listeners, for pointing this little chap out to us – anyone interested in us giving this a review in the next show?
The Chumby is available now in the UK from Firebox.com. See our Chumby Review for more.
Yes a Chumby review would be great, and of the new model the ‘Chumby One’ which is due soon.
You can also buy Chumby’s here: http://www.veda.co.uk/internet-media-player-radios/chumby.htm – might be cheaper??