If you’ve got any interest in putting together your own podcast, the FrequencyCast podcast team has taken a look at a new kit, the podcastudio, that makes podcasting easy. The kit contains a mixer, microphone, headphones, software and a USB interface to your PC or Mac
Take a look at our review at
www.frequencycast.co.uk/podcastudio.html – we also have a brief audio overview you can listen to.
How do I make Podcast Studio work with Vista on Audition 3.0?
Ok, so I have made it work to record, and I can hear stuff through headphones on playback but they have a terrible hiss – Also, am I not supposed to be able to hear my voice as I record too? I can’t.
I always wondered why Behringer bundled Audacity with this kit, since it says right up front that Audacity doesn’t work with ASIO drivers.
I’d add to this review, to be very careful of cable proximity and position – on mine, it doesn’t take much crossover to get a good audible hum on the mic.
Cheers, and thanks for the tips!
there is a problem with the program energyXT 2.5 that came with the podcastkit. when i try to open a new project guitar amp it runs bad. can’t turn off humming onlywith delete guitaramp.