Details are slowing becoming available of TopUp TV Anytime.
It seems that the current subscription service will be reducing its output to make way for a new service. Top Up TV Anytime will cost an additional £2, there are some changes to the lineup, and the service needs a PVR (digital recorder) to capture programmes. The set-top box is being manufactured by Thomson (model DTI 6300-16), and it has a twin tuner plus 160gig hard-drive (for 120 hours of TV). Boxes will be available from October 2006, priced £180 to new customers or £100 to existing customers.
FrequencyCast will be sticking with this story and featuring it in the next show. You can find more details on this at
Once again we are being lured into another phase of technology through some supplier offering what ?? We first got top up TV but with very few benefits, over the freeview channels and with restricted viewing times. To receive this restricted service we bought special top up TV Set top boxes which were twice as expensive ( or even more) than a standared STB, which now appear to redundant or soon to be, and the supplied restircted service being reduced even more.. How long will the next generation last, why go this way when you can go for sky, both will have a minimum 12 months membership, which is what a lot of people were trying to get away from. What is the new service going to offer as Value added, Sky offer most of its requirements free including fitting.. I do not think I will be taking up the new top up TV option, and even now knowing my existing boxes are soon to be redundant am considering whether to continue on their restricted offering. Not impressed.
I liked TopUp TV even with its limitations. Not wanting to subscripe to SKY (with it’s high prices)and unable to get cable, this was a nice alternative. I have just signed up for their new service so will let you how it goes. loved Podcast 5 and for anyone having trouble with Freeview I found that my tv and set the ITV and BBC channels to 2 different channel numbers. This ment that channels 1, 2, 3, 6 for bbc1 and bbc and itv1 – 2 where rubbish but I found them on a higher numbers and had to reconfigure the tv and now I get all the channels for FreeView.. Please excuse any spelling errors as the red wine is taking effect..
If I’m going to have to pay that sort of money I’d rather go back to Sky or NTL.
I will definitely not be going with this option.
I’ll just stay with the freeview channels.
I can live without TUTV.
I think that they may just have shot themselves through th foot
I wish I ahd seen the fact that all the topuptv programs will be a day later. That sucks! I had already signed up for the new servicew before I found this out. Time shifting is fine but it should have been made clear on the website that this was the case. At least they are not timeshifting the freeview channels, but will you be able to record these in real time whilst the dvr is set to record a topup tv program? I agree with a previous blog. TUTV may well have shot themselves in the foot on this one.
Having just forked out a small fortune for a Media Center PC there is no way TopUp TV will be getting extra cash for yet another set top box. Especially when the content they offer will be 24 hours out of date. Have they ever heard the phrase “Yesterday’s News” I wonder?
I for one will be cancelling the subscription ASAP and can’t help thinking this new business model will lose them a lot of customers.
Ho Hum back to Sky……..
Another bunch of ‘Arthur Daleys’ with a get rich scheme printing their own money with old rehashed TV programmes.Not satisfied with that they now want me to throw away my Humax 9200T and purchase yet another set top box. At least SKY did give you the first one free.It doesn’t look like they learnt anything from ONDIGITAL either,they virtually sunk themselves.
Their nice new box will have 2 tuners and 160 gig hard drive. They do mention somewhere that 140 gig is reserved for themselves leaving you with a measiy 20 gig and I wonder how much use you will get out of the twin tuner which must be in use downloading the next days progammes.
I have had a subscription for nearly a year now and to be quiet honest with the intrduction of Film 4 they have just sunk my piece of the gravy train.
Further to my earleir comments I decided to knock the service in the head, I have tried to cancel my subscription over the phone, which to date has not been succesful.. so much so I have just written to TUTV with the following note.>>>>>>>>I would like to advise you of what I believe is restricted practises on your Customer Care (?) service help line.. I have tried several times to get through to cancel my subscription option 5 only to have to listen each time to the advertising blurp and then be met by an engaged tone , this is quite the opposite of all the other options which all answer with an agent who advises you must once again ring the customer service number listen to all the blurp again and be met with an engaged tone.. To an outside person it would look like TUTV do not in any way encourage disconnection of their service, having said that they are probably making a fair amount of the 087 number in wasted calls. I did not get this problem when I wanted to take out the subscription.
I find that the type of people who dont understand thae service
are the same people who didnt understand topuptv in its original form
It is quite plain to understand. This site seems quite anti-topuptv, a service I have had for over 2 years, who’s initial service
I understood that I was getting selected hours as was plain in the starter pack.
I subscribed to anytime, paid £75 and am very aware of the service I am getting.
People who sign up to something theinking they are getting something else, should let their parents
handle their affairs.
Top up has been a low cost alternative to Sky or NTl for the last couple of years. The negative side of the service has been the limited transmission times where you are not always guaranteed being able to see the beginning or end of some programs. All this said the service has been reasonable value for money.
The new service offered is not good value for money. Most Top up customers have already had to purchase a top up box in the last couple of years. They are now faced with having to buy a new box before the old one has packed up.
The new set top boxes that Top up are selling are overpriced. Most viewers want a choice of what to watch or record not the choice made by Top up which will leave very little space on the hard drive of the box for recordings the viewer may want to make
In addition to this Top up are busy reducing their service to their existing customers (reduced transmission times and channels removed on an almost daily basis.
This seems like a risky process of upsetting existing customers with a choice of price hikes, reduced and greatly changed services. Together with a statement that they have asked by viewers what they want.
I contacted Top up for clarification of what was going on nearly 2 weeks ago. I have received no response whatsoever so am now changing to Sky.
not happy at all, when we eventually decided that being ripped off once again to buy a new box for top up tv at £80 we would try get the £75 deal by signing up to a years contract but as topup messed up my direct debit last year meaning a missed payment they have decided that i can’t get the offer and have to pay £99 i have loged my complaint with top up, will i be signing for £99, like thats going to happen not will be canceling. kenny
I thought I was doing the right thing when I first subcribed to tutv having no contracts to worry about. But this latest idea has gone too far as I have only just last month had to buy a new box. I also feel angry as the store who sold me the box did not even warn me of the changes which I have just found out about after being away for a few weeks. So I feel I have been a mug twice over. Anyone taking up this new service will have to remember to keep yesterdays papers to see what is on today!!!
I agree that topuptv sucks. I was suckered into buying the box 6 months ago and it’s now useless to me as they’ve removed channels and reduced hours on the one I wanted – Eurosport. Their customer service stinks – you ring up and have to listen to adverts for the new ‘Anytime’ service and by the time you speak to someone you’ve spent £4.00 on the call. Then they don’t do what they promise. They don’t reply to emails. They don’t give their customers any notice of changes but expect you to give a month’s notice of cancellation. I did so but can I get a refund of advance subscriptions? No chance. Avoid them like the plague – with luck th whole thing will go belly up.
I was looking to buy a PVR anyway and £75 is a very good price for one also the increased variety in programs is great and well worth the extra £2 per month. I can’t wait
I have signed up to the service because the type of programs TUTV shows OR the SKY basic package for that matter, is suited to recording for viewing later. It is never live and often repeated anyway. So to be able to watch a program when i want plus the use of the PVR for my own recordings it seems a great idea. This service is not designed for a TV junkie but for those who wish to watch some TV ,some of the time, when it suits. However no exact Launch date is given and how reliable is this technology going to be? I feel this service deserves to work. We need another option to SKY.
Anyone not happy with the changes to Topuptv and the terrible customer service? Why not join me in emailing bbc to see if they can bring some pressure to bear….
try emailing to or….
do yourself a favour and join me in protesying!
Is it legal for Topup TV to reduce the existing service without reducing the price? Why have they done this before Anytime is activated? It seems obvious they are doing this to blackmail users into subscribing to the new service. That’s not acceptable – is there anyone out there who could look at this from a legal point of view?
My Sky+ box is screwed (doesn’t record audio and drops frames on live tv) and Sky want £200 for a replacement.
So, I’m in the market for an alternative. I thought TopUp TV would be a good deal for £10 a month and leave me free to buy my own PVR. Not anymore…
After experiencing the pain of being an early adopter to new technology (Sky+), I’m not going to go through it again with TopUp TV.
So what else is out there?
An interesting thought: Become friends with your neighbour and sign up for a multi-room Sky+ subscription (£50pm), now get your neighbour to buy a box. He can now watch your 2nd (unused) multi-room Sky+ box from his house, while you watch the main Sky+ box. Ask him for £25pm and everyone’s happy… Sky for 1/2 price! ;-)
I think it is dreadful that Topup TV have been allowed by the office of fair trading to, pardon the language’ screw their existing customers who paid good money for boxes with the ‘slot’ as recently as a few month ago. What is wrong with the world? Can’t anybody do business the honest way rather forcing people into a corner? Shame on you Topup TV.
Having finally had a digital aeriel installed. I retrieved my set top box from the back of the wardrobe, connected it, and connected my 1 month free trial of TopUpTV (the box was a pressie a while ago).
Having been connected to 7 channels for very limited hours rather than the previously stated 11 channels, I’m already feeling a bit conned.
And to top that off, whilst experiencing this “fantastic” service, whilst watching a film on TCM it cuts out at 1am (end of viewing hours) and I miss the last 20 minutes!! Great.
I did at least manage to watch all the episodes of Doctor Who in UKTVGold’s “Doctor Who Week” last week – but this is a perfect example of where the download service will fail. With each channel allowed a few hours per week, how can something like that be covered? Not to even mention live sporting events. Eurosport viewers must be a bit gutted.
Now I discover they want mega dosh for a new box and a higher monthly fee – and I just don’t get how the limited download service compares to live channels. If I wanted a digital personal video recorder, I would have bought one.
And as for the Cartoon Network being on 9am-11am – correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t most children AT SCHOOL during these times???
Surely this is heading the way of ITVdigital PDQ.
hi would like topup tv do i have to buy the thomson box or can i buy a box like the Topfield Tf5800pvr 250gig
I do not wish to change to top up anytime. I have paid a lot of money for a t.v with a cam so I wouldn’t need a set top box. I also have a dvd recorder so I do not need to have another product that will do the same as the equipment I have ONLY JUST purchased. Fine if you want to cut the viewing hours of top up t.v but then you should reduce the monthly subscription shouldn’t you. After all I will no longer be getting what I am paying for.
Looks like TUTV could not obtain viewers to break even especially when E4 went to Freeview
Went into voluntary receivership last year. Paid £20M by channel 5 for part ownership.
TUTV now only has reduced channels. 2 taken up by FiveLive and FiveUS. Thus reduced mainstream channels available.
Anytime is way of streaming content down when channels not being used and cost saving.
Seems TUTV have been guilty of misleading public with relation to future of company. Anytime will not be affected by TUTV which IMO, will disappear within a year.
Used membership as cheap purchase of Twin Tuner. Idea is good depends on content.
I am looking forward to the new service am somewhat frustrated of the wait but can live with it. I am somewhat puzzled having read some of what people have to say on here.
For example it has been confirmed that the service will be able to record 4 things at once 3 streams from the top up programs and one from freeview, and when the top up streams are not automatically downloading we should be able to record 2 freeview ones or any of the linear top up channels from the old service!!
£9.99 a month is a good price to pay! I find it hard to watch all the stuff I have recorded from my topfield and probably spend most of my time deciding which to delete!
People have very short memories it was not a long time ago that sky were charging people double the amount for their STB and a subscription charge to record the content (which even exists today) – even now their sky plus box is £99.
Where does it say you need a 12 month contract? you can pay £75 for box in full with a 12 month contract or £99 with a pay monthly as you have been doing.
Seems some people have been told incorrect information.
I received the advert through the post at the end of August telling me that I could subscribe to the new anytime service, great I thought and eagerly waited my turn on their customer service line.
Well its now the middle of November and I’m still waiting, they’ve confirmed that the £20 deposit was taken from my bank account on Sept 6th and the advisor told me today that because the Disney Channel has been added all the Anytime Boxes have had to be returned to the manufacturers because the software is not compatible with Disney Channel, I think I’ve been flammed here, has anyone else had this excuse and for that matter has anyone else got the Anytime box.
I’m currently a sky+ subscriber and I’ve finally had enough of the fact that you have to pay extra to enable the recording functions (which I think is an enormous con, the recording functionality is in the box and sky disable it) I’m looking toward TUTV anytime, in theory, it looks like a good idea, but of course, time will tell, anybody got any idea when the boxes will start shipping ?
Launched, when you receive. let us know what you think of the service
What a con.
Seems to me TUTV have been panicked into giving up their bandwidth for commercial reasons (ie not enough customers versus their costs) and dreamed up this half-baked, limited appeal and confusing alternative whereby you get a limited subset of programmes from a limited subset of channels to view on a next-day basis.
When they discovered that nobody actually wanted the new service, they then decided to retain the pathetic remnants of the old one (but with the financial imperative, for how long?) but at the SAME price as for the old service!
Anyone who touches this unstable and doomed crock of sh*t with a disinfected barge-pole wants their head examined.
verdict out but twin drive with 160gb drive, to me a bargain at £99. Picture box could be a winner.
Do not criticise untill seen.
If you want to cancel your service with TopUpTV just ask your bank to stop the Direct Debit – easy. If you do get through to the cencellation line they pull your service there and then no matter what you have remaining of your months subscription. Gone with Sky+ and very very happy
Well, my new didgbox/pvr finally arrived last friday. Plugged it all in and went through the setup without using the manual. Quite straight forward. Left it on overnight and sure enough it had downloaded some of the programs. Had a quick scan and deleted most of them leaving me with 43 hours available for my own progammes. Great I thought, it works as advertised. left it on the following night……the box was red hot and had locked up displaying no signals or error messages. I unplugged it to let it cool down and lo & behold, it came back to life. Since then, no problems. Picture quality is good with little evidence of noise or break-up. Only real criticism is the length of time to switch channels and the manual does not show any error pictures. The one you get frequently is a skeleton tv antenna with a cross next to it showing the channel is not being broadcast. Watch this space for further updates!
I installed my new box on Saturday. Between then and now I have had to unplug and reconnect the box three times due to it locking up. I have called the helpline and been told that the boxes have a software problem that will be fixed on or before Friday. The fix is going to be sent over the airwaves in the same manner as the programmes. Let’s just hope our boxes are not locked up when it tries to send the update.
I’ve just received and installed the box and like most people have had it lock up and die for no apparent reason, I’ve also turned off most of the downloaded content as it’s either not to my taste or stuff I’ve already seen. My main reason for getting it was the DVR functionality but even that seems a little limited, especially when it tells me it needs the channel I’m watching on to record a program – if that’s the case why have the two tuners? The other annoying thing is the inability to watch the live Top UP channels, the box shows the program menu but won’t show the program. I’ve tried ringing the help line but so far I’ve given up after 20 minutes on hold and then been given two contradictory repsonses when I have got through. All in all £99 for the box is OK but the content of the service and the limitations will probably condem the service to a slow and painful death.
Well my box, installed on Tuesday has not locked up yet but refuses to show any of the “Anytime” loaded programs and now won’t show any of the TOPUP TV channels either.. Screen just blank!!
The help screen says it is recognising the TOPUP TV card.. Recording and installing other programs seems OK though which was my main reason for getting the box. Will be intersting to see if it get’s fixed this week.. Can’t get beyone dthe recorded message on the TOPUPTV phone number (the one that ends in 543210)
seems cards need to be activated.Call 08712712712.
If you can get through (option 4)
Ask for card activation.
I’ve also suffered from the box locking up each night and having to unplug it the next day. The fact that I set the box to record a programme on another channel I wasn’t watching only to be told it needed my tuner, cancel or delete??? No option to say OK and I swear the box didn’t record it. I figure box was using the other tuner to record something from Anytime. I wish I could choose what programmes from anytime channels to record. As filling my harddrive with editions of Badly Dubbed Porn/Naked Funny from Paramount comedy is not my idea of entertainment.
We got our box on Thursday and it has also locked up several times already. We also cannot play the Anytime offerings…but I have discovered that no-one can. If you do play one and fast forward it, you can see it is forwarding through a programme of the correct length…there are just no sound and pictures…which would enhance the experience somewhat!
Other problems encountered are:
1. Programme failed to record (the box was frozen on a ‘still frame’
2. The Box went to standby and the remote did not operate the DVR…even when turned off at the wall and rebooted. The solution was to select a programme manually (on the box itself by going to the menu, then ‘guide’, and scrolling to BBC1 and pushing ‘OK’…the remote then began working again).
3. This problem of “which tuner am I watching?” I think is caused by the ‘Stream Swap’ not functioning at all (which is fairly fundamental to the whole priciple of the box). You are supposed to be able to press ‘0’ and swap between tuners (and ‘recording viewing’) but it does not work. I am told this will be corrected by the software update…let’s hope it is not delayed as often as the start date!!??
When the message comes up saying that “the tuner you are watching is required…” you should press ‘cancel’ which means “Cancel the message”…’delete’ deletes the programmed recording.
It really makes one wonder how on earth this box got through testing “I assume someone was interested enough to see if it actually worked??”. The locking up is one thing…perhaps they just got a better box…but the functionality on the “stream swap” must surely have been missing on all the boxes…together with the ability to view the Anytime offerings. Doesn’t it just make you laugh that we were delayed receiving the boxes (so they said) in order to programme the boxes to receive the Disney Channel. First, if that WAS true, do we have to return the boxes each time they introduce a new channel? Second, don’t you think there were more important things to iron out?
i got my box this morning, plugged it in and cant get any channels,cant activate the card, cant get through to customer services. ive always wanted a dvr box, with sky+ you pay for the channels you pay for the box and you pay each month on top for the thing. i refuse to be ripped off by sky and ntl anymore. saw the anytime box a couple of months ago, thought wow, the box the channels i want (animal planet, hallmark and paramount comedy, and a kids channel for my daughter and now wow disney channel to) this for 10 quid a month. i instantly paid the deposit, then later realised i was getting selected programmes, and i was really miffed. phoned them up and they explained to me what they was going to do and if i wasnt happy with the service i have a week to decide, not long but i have a choice. then i thought about why i got rid of sky, i was sick of watching the same programmes repeatedly. am i angry? no firstly its brand new, im old enough and wise enough at 29 to realise that with anything new there will be problems, also theres thousands of people that are getting boxes over this last week and for the fore seeable future (i couldnt get through to ntl many of times after they had things up and running for 10 years+)ive waited a couple of month for the box i can bear with them for a few more days to sort things out. secondly i should have read all the information before paying the deposit as its all there about recieving the programmes, plus there should be no repeats within a couple of days of each other. and lastly, if i dont like the box and have to pay for for a year (cant remember if i was contracted or not) im still paying over £200 less in a year than i would for sky+ and thats why me paying full price £180 for the box. the sky+ plus the channels i watch and the using it fee is £495, this box £180 years contract £120 plus the connection fee little over £300. and remember after a year your still paying about £30 quid a month for sky+ and the channels, im more than happy to pay £10 for preselected programmes and not repeats, and to use my new box.
Yes, another box received! No topup channels yet and I feel the quality of the picture is not quite as clear as my actual TV (seem to see the little squares of the picture e.g. around the features of faces.) seems ok so far but I am wondering about the topup channels… how long do we wait while we still pay for it?
I was quite pleased with the old Top Up TV service for £7.99 and now I have my new Anytime box and service for £9.99 a month I think it will be great when they iron out the problems. Like everyone else it seems, my box also will not download any programmes at the moment but the fact that I can now record anything I want onto the hard disk is great, much better than video tape, and like someone else said, the more of the downloadable Anytime channels you disable, the ones you wouldn’t watch anyway, you get lots more space for you own recordings. Luckily my box has not jammed up at all so for the time being at least, I am happy just to record my own selected programmes. Old channels like UK Gold and TCM are still in my Freeview list so I can still record them if I wish.
What a shame no subtitles available.
Customer service very poor and expensive
installed box this pm
seems ok. the fan and ? HD still run when the unit is on standby??
the intl HD is a seagate and aftera quick shufti seems easy to replace. anyone tried a bigger drive yet?
can the USB port be used to export video?
For your information: (hopefully this covers most problems you’ve got)
1. There are subtitles…it’s just not working for some people.
2. Some people are not getting teletext.
3. No-one can switch streams
4. Some people cannot use the remote (after the box freezes) even with a power-off reboot. The only solution is to power-up the box manually (on the front panel). If that doesn’t get the remote working, on the FRONT PANEL of the box do the following: push ‘Menu’, go to ‘Programme Guide’ using the arrows, press ‘OK’, scroll to BBC1 then press ‘OK’. The remote should work now. If not, try another power-off reboot.
5. No-one can view ‘Anytime’ programmes.
6. The problem seems to lie with Thomson which has been testing the boxes for several months and said they had got it working. This ‘testing’ was the cause of the ‘Disney’ delay also. TUTV are not blameless either because (I am told) they just sent the boxes straight out when they arrived…a strange decision which I find difficult to believe.
7. ALL these problems (possibly!) are going to be solved by this miraculous “Software Update”. However, forgive me if I am a little sceptical of them writing software in one week that they couldn’t come up with in probably 2 years of development and several months of testing…I wait to be impressed.
8. The software update is due overnight tonight or tomorrow (early hours Wednesday or Thursday) so I suggest everyone does a power-off reboot (and test) then put box on ‘standby’ before you go to bed…just to make sure your box stands a chance of being ‘alive’ when the update arrives.
“I can bear with them for a few more days…”
I have just been told the update will be available on January 8th 2007.
We received our new TopupTV box yesterday and it looks very impressive. The picture quality is much better than our previous STB’s, Thomson/Astratec. The recording is very good and it is downloading, I’ve heard that some people are experiencing problems in this area. One problem area we have experienced, which could cause us to cancel, is that it is not supporting Subtitles yet. We have been informed that a download will correct this problem later this week (?). My wife is deaf and relies on the subtitles.
I got the new PVR box yesterday, and swapped it over. i couldn’t get a signal at first when I put the aerial lead into the ‘aerial in’ socket (as per instructions). I then put the aerial into the RF Loop in socket, and the out lead into the RF Loop out socket, and then I was able to pick up a signal.
It did the full scan and found 9 frequencies, plus programmes and software check. All was looking good, and I got a good picture. Then I tried changing channels, and instantly lost the signal (the screen goes black with a X nect to an aerial symbol). Tried switching off and reinstalling, and each time I got a perfect picture on one channel, and sometimes could get several channels, but eventually all went back to the black no signal screen.
Gave up, and reconnected the old box – perfect signal.
I rang the help line tonight, got through reasonably quickly, and was first told I obviously had a reception problem as the box ‘requires a stronger signal’. I said that the current box was fine and there wasn’t much more that i could do to improve the signal (it has a new, digital spec aerial and professional install amplifier).
I was then told that the box was probably picking up too many signals from different masts, which a software fix was going to solve. This fix should be sent ‘in the next day or two’.
The chap at the call centre clearly knew who I was and where I was calling from, which threw me slightly, and was even able to tell me which masts were being picked up on my digibox.
So I’m confused now – is this actually going to work?
To get Sky+ you have to pay extra or subscribe to the top packages. i don’t want to pay £30-£45 a month for a load of programming I really don’t want to watch. If they can get this to work, I’ll be reasonably happy 9although the programme choice could be more inspired). But at the moment, i can’t even use it to watch freeview, let alone anything extra.
have been happy with top up tv but when i saw thompson made the new box my jaw dropped they made the faulty sky boxs i had probs with and i now think skys tele sales people are handleing all phone calls ive been hung up on and engaged tone old box works better than the new one i was advised to continue useing old box but to keep new one and replug in after xmas for a software don load well its on its way back and i want my money back as well
old box worked fine, when new box installed nearly all the channels either cut out or are missing, have tried re-installing many times but nothing works. i have put the old box back and that works fine.
After initial problems for a couple of days my DTR is performing very well. The quality of picture and sound is excellent. The few minor niggles like no text and subtitles should be fixed soon. One has to phone to get the existing card initialised for the new box, or one cannot view the old channel lineup live, but call after 9pm and no problem. I think that it is well worth the money.
Has anyone else had a problem with setting the unit to record programmes, I set mine to start 5 minutes before and to end 5 minutes after the programme finishes but I am finding that although it does start early it finishes dead on time and I am sometimes missing the final few minutes of the recording which is very frustrating. The main selling point for me was that I would be able to record my own programmes to the hard drive but if you can’t rely on getting the end of your recording then it’s pointless.
I have had the new box since Thurs 14th Dec. Worked well for two days then packed up. Help desk spoke of software update but as I pointed out the box needs to be working to receice update. They then stated well nothing can be done to after Christmas anyway
I have had my box for a week.there has not been one day when it worked as it the past week I have had:-not recording live tv,not downloading programmes for the last 2 days,box switches itself off on it’s own,blank screen,loss of some freeview channels,not recording planned programmes,some of their downloaded programmes are garbled and unwatchable,have done at least 15 power reboots,I am totally unimpressed, they have obviously sent out the boxes in time for christmas even though they knew they were’nt up to scratch.I don’t think they should charge us £9.99 until they fix it properly. if it spoils my christmas I shall demand my money back and cancel my subscription under the sale of goods act 1975.
There are ceratinly many isues with TUPTV anytime.They do not seem able to answer tha phone.The box seems ok but is simetimes unpredictable and won’t turnon or off and is slow to find some channels.I regularly loose the TEXT feature and have to turn off the power etc.The recorder itself seems fine.If this continues I will be complaining more seriously
I got my box 5 days ago on the 18th. I previously subscribed to £7.99 service and wish I’d stuck with it. However, they had started to reduce the channels and hours and I wondered at the legality of this.
I did not appreciate that you only got to watch a selection of downloaded content that they choose for you. This was not explained to me clearly by the sales staff. And no, i’m not usually a stupid person.
I just can’t see how this can catch on. Means can’t watch any live programmes or any of the programmes I want on Living t.v etc.
The box freezes sometimes and has to be unplugged. The downloaded programmes have failed to appear on some channels. On others they are showing one programme since tuesday. The selection of programmes is pants.
The worst part of it all is their naff customer service. They do not return emails if you write to them. It is hard to get through to them to cancel anything (ok if they selling u)and they charge for the phone line. I’m really angry about this. They won’t let u cancel if u sign up for a 12 month contract. But i’m going to cancel my direct debit and they can get lost. They didn’t inform me that they were going to reduce my previous service.
The only saving grace is being able to record programmes easily.
I’ve had my box since Wednesday. it works fine !! I switch mine to standby each night or when it’s not being used it never froze at all.
The stream swap doesn’t work but I suspect this will be fixed in the software update on Jan 8th.
Just one thing my Payed channels didn’t work at first (I had my card in upside down) the card should be inserted with the card number facing the top of the box.
I can’t get sky + because of reception problems and I cant get cable because im not in an area that they connecting it. so I have no choice but TUTV AT and for the money it’s good.
I have been working with Technology for Many years even the simplest things have glitches so Be patient, you all waited this long for the boxes a little longer for them to work is not going to kill us.
Something els I should add, We have been told by the helpline that if we ring back in January when the upadate has been done, TUTV will refund Decembers Subscription.
So it’s not all doom.
If the help desk tell you something in my experience take it with a pinch of salt(The boxes will be shipped in October then November, the software update will be before Christmas for certain when you phone up to return box as it does not work.
Now in January it will be harder to return if you have had the Box for a month.
How can they state the 8th January for certain,(when I was promised a box in October) why do they keep making deadlines and then breaking them it is so silly and anoying not the way to run a business.
I am getting worried that in the new year so many people will be upset that it will go under and we will be left with boxes that will never work.
TUTV download schedules
DTG Testing has been informed that a new download for the Thomson DTI6300-16 (Top Up TV Anytime DTR) product will be broadcast on multiplex A (Channel 5/SDN). At other times, a repeat download for Thomson products (DTI1000, DTI500 and Grundig GDT1000) may instead be broadcast on multiplex A (Channel 5/SDN). Note that these are not official “Engineering Channel” scheduled downloads, for more details please contact the manufacturer.
my box now seems to be d/l overnight as expected
a thought – before switching on/off do you press the DTR button ( remote, top left). mine seems to switch to TV mode regularly. this may simulate a “lockm up”
More TUTV threads here
Message from Top Up TV – Response to Questions
[This is a response to the thread…ad.php?t=497696 ]
Many thanks for all of the questions you put forward to us on the forum, answers to these are below. In addition we wanted to provide you with a quick update on the Top Up TV Anytime software update. Unfortunately, we are unable to broadcast the planned software update at this time as we are subject to DTT platform change control restrictions which are now invoked to protect the platform over the Christmas period. As such, we now plan the download for the week commencing 8th January 2007. For customers who have tuner sensitivity issues or are who are not receiving consistent Top Up TV Anytime downloads, we are doing everything we can to resolve the problem and we expect to be able to rectify the these issues as part of the software download.
For those who are correctly tuned in (6 x frequencies found, 19 x Top Up TV channels and 94 x other channels found, for a total of 113 x Top Up TV channels) and have received content overnight into the DTR Library but can?t view it when a programme is selected, you should check that your viewing card has the correct entitlements for your subscription level by following this procedure:
Using your remote control select:
Menu, Setup, Help and then enter 1397 using the remote control numeric keypad.
This will bring up the Engineer menu.
Look at item 6. Smart card Offers and check (from the left) for the following numbers within the 16 digit string:
8000000040000002 or
9000000040000002 for Top Up TV and Top Up TV Anytime
80000000C0000002 or
90000000C0000002 for Top Up TV, Top Up TV Anytime and PictureBox
If you have had your viewing card in the DTR for at least 1 x hour and left tuned to FIVE (5) after first installation and your card does not display the number pattern as indicated above for the services you have subscribed for, then you need to call Top Up TV Customer Services to have your card updated.
Answers to your questions from Top Up TV:
1. The DTR presents a blank screen with an exclamation mark in a white box at the top of the
screen when switched on in the mornings.
A. The white exclamation mark appears when attempting to use trick play when invalid to do so; e.g. trying to fast forward a live programme. The black screen can occur in v1.8 (current software version) when the box reverts from a menu screen after both tuners had been used for other purposes (recording, EPG download etc) i.e. not Live TV. This can be resolved by going in and out of standby. Also the exclamation mark will appear if you try to do trick play within 10 secs of changing the channel.
2. Occasional skipping and jumping has been noted during recordings and programmes which
have been set to pause.
A. We haven?t noticed this but have seen that reception or tuner issues may have an impact on watching recorded programmes. If the box has been powered on for a continuously long period of time it may be worthwhile rebooting the DTR and viewing again.
3. The screen goes blank during viewing of prior recordings.
A. See point 2. Also, tuner or reception issues would cause this.
4. OK, last night I was recording bad boys 2 as well as watching it , this was on 9pm till 11.50
channel 5 at 10pm and the box froze, I was afraid to do anything as I didn’t want to lose the
recording, so I switched off the TV and went to bed, this morning I check and it has only the end
half of the recording! I don’t understand why the first half of the film is missing?
A. Our next software release contains a fix “Completed file cropping for retrospective recordings” whereby if a programme recording was made after the programme had started but the DTR was tuned to the service so the buffer had the programme, then the recording should be made from the start of the programme in the buffer
5. The box responds slowly to channel hopping, and there are major problems with the viewing of
BBC News Multiscreen.
A. Our next software release includes a fix for channel change speed
6. Low bit rate audio channels appear to not be receiving properly.
A. We are aware that certain audio/radio channels are impacted by jagged audio. We will address
these in the near future.
7. I set a manual record last night for Southpark and Jongulars from TUTV anytime 1.They are in
the library but when played Southpark is “badly dubbed porn” and Jongulars is just 25 mins of
blank screen. Result!!!
A. This was a scheduling issue with Paramount which means all recordings had the wrong content against them on that day. Effectively, the schedules were a day out so the content for the titles was the content for the next day. This has been fixed by changing the schedule.
8. I was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on UKTV Style yesterday. It started at 3pm,
finished at 4pm. I had paused the programme several times to leave the room. At 4pm, just as I
was watching the programme, the stream cut off, which seemed to purge the buffer, and I lost the
rest of the programme. If UKTV Style is going to remain like this for some time, please get this
A. The recording will only continue to work until the buffer length is reached. The buffer length is
variable 15-60 minutes (see menu > 4 > 4) then option 2: “Pause live TV”
9. It is possible to schedule 3 programmes to be recorded, even though the actual maximum
number that the box will record is 2.
A. The DTR will warn of any planned recording overlaps i.e. when more than two tuners would be required for the recordings schedule the user has set-up. Technically, the DTR can have many planned recordings provided there are no conflicts and certainly that happens for VOD recordings.
10. One point I must make though is that on a daily basis (strangely about 8pm each night), I’ve
found that the delete feature on the library disappears. After pressing a few buttons in frustration
the box will lock-up completely, and I have to unplug the box to bring it back (so annoying that I
have to get out of my chair to do this)
A. We have been unable to reproduce this problem but we will continue to investigate and get
back to you
11. Live channels sometimes skip frames, and audio occasionally drops out. The box also
crashes more frequently than could be expected.
A. This may be related to tuning and will be fixed in next software release
12. One user reports all programmes turning bright green, which could be fixed by unplugging
and replugging.
A. We have seen this. There’s an issue with the video decoder (possibly) seen very occasionally which shows many tight horizontal lines and only. We will be producing a fix for this shortly but in the meantime, a power off / on will resolve the issue?
13. Dates appear scrambled at times.
A. This will be fixed in next software release
14. The box sometimes freezes during the night, disrupting downloads.
A. A fix is included in the next software release
15. Viewers attempting to record things after 10.00 pm at night, but before the advertised
midnight time for downloads, receive notifications that this might disrupt their downloading?
A. This is correct behaviour. Planned recordings take priority but you are offered the option to override this and prioritise your personal recordings?
16. Watching a programme on one channel and recording a programme on the second causes
glitches and drop-outs on both channels.
A. We have not seen this to date, but will try to recreate. Any further detail on steps to recreate would be appreciated. If so, it will be improved in next software release.
As previously stated if the box is not working some possible software download in the future is not going to help why can,t defective boxes be replaced now ready for this repeat possible download on the 8th. I have had to go back to my previous box to watch anything over Christmas.
I have been waiting almost a week for a reply to my email to tutv regarding the lack of downloading and to update my present card which ran out in June.
Tried ringing on several occasions without success,will refuse to pay this months subscription.
Also having signal problems which need a reboot to resolve.
Could the present weather conditions be affecting the reception it as got worse recently
The copy of the response from TUTV doesn’t explain the basic problem. Some people are obviously able to get a signal, but are then having issues with downloads and operating the controls, etc. My problem, like most of the people on this blog, is that the new box will either not pick up a signal or will not hold the signal. Providing I put the aerial lead into the wrong socket, I can get the full download of channels and programmes, but as soon as I change channel, it loses the signal. If I put the aerial lead into the correct socket, it picks up no signal ata ll. There’s nothing wrong with my aerial. My old box works fine.
So which problems are going to be solved on 8th Jan? Is it going to be the glitches in the controls and downloads, or are they seriously going to be able to somve what seems to me to be a pretty major flaw in the way the box is wired up.
I’ve informed TUTV that I want to cancel the agreement. I’ve notified them within the 7 day time limit. As it’s Christmas, I don’t expect a response soon. To be honest, I don’t expect much of a response at all, and I think I will be lucky to get any money back.
Just to throw my thaughts into the mix, I’m fairly happy with the TUTV Anytime but seems I’ve got off lucky compared to many users… I can also recieve the “old” TUTV service which makes up for some of the gaps in the Anytime content.
I am experiencing the black screens between channel changes, and also a very frustrating “jumping” on recording playback, this only seems to be on my “personal” recordings.
I have also had issues with reception, my old Digifusion or Ferguson boxes had no reception issues however on installation of the Thomson box I firstly experienced problems with the TUTV content with pictures been blocky due to impaired reception, and in recent foggy weather I lost BBC etc. I have found that this Thompon unit requires a execptionally clean link between it and the digital aerial, and as we have multiple boxes on one aerial the only way round this has been to replace any t-pieces in the loft with hardwired soldered joints! So anyone having reception issues should check their “good” aerial.
Also does anyone know what the USB socket is for in on the front of the box?
New box working now after lots of re-boots. Cant get picture box despite being sent numerous activation signals, otherwise all working well. I hope TOTV anytime keeps going as I just want some competition for SKY.
Generally speaking, having read all the previous comments, I appear to have been reasonably fortunate. I do get the “lock-up” and have to disconnect the power cable, cannot change tuner. The picture/audio quality is very good. I did not have to re-activate my card either.
However what I am bitterly disappointed with is the selection
of programs that get downloaded that I have no interest in whatsoever, most of which just get deleted.I hope things do improve or sky will be getting another new subscriber
Does anyone know whwn the picture box service will be available?
Further to my comments on 20th December regarding recordings being cut off before the ending, I have found that the start and end times can be edited so that you can put as much time onto the start and end times as you wish, which ensures you get all of your planned programme. Regarding the Anytime downloaded shows, I was not receiving any at all until a few days ago when I moved the location of my box (to a different shelf) now I am getting several programmes a night downloaded. One annoying thing is that some have the endings missing, in other words they were cut off before the end of the programme. Now before I watch any downloaded programme I fast forward to the end to make sure that the end is complete. On the whole I am pleased with the box, beats recording onto tape.
I complained to watchdog t.v. I have lots of the problems that everyone else is getting but the worst thing is their customer care as they never reply to ure emails!
I wish someone could tell me how to change the start/end time of the programmes recorded in the library as nearly everything I have recorded has cut out prior to the end as it was a minute or two later starting than advertised I didn’t even see pauline fowler croaking it in Eastenders. Fed up is an understatement.
very disapointed got rid of sky because of price. now got topuptv anytime what a load of daughter likes watching most haunted on living tv but how can she watch it live the next day and then if it is downloaded. on web site it tells you you have got 19 extra channels to watch but only sellected programes buy top up are down loaded and also no eurosport. i have cancelled my membership and look forward to the long wait to get my money back.7 days cacellation period is rubbish as it takes that long to download all content. i have gone back to least you can watch most haunted live live no next day .very very disapointed
To the person who wanted to know how to change the start and end times to a planned recording. In the programme guide highlight the show to be recorded, press the red button to record, this will take you to a screen asking if you wish to add this to your planned recordings, the programme name will be highlighted, press the right arrow button to highlight the start time, you will see coloured buttons at the bottom of the screen with “+” and “-” to add or take away minutes, I usually take away a couple of minutes from the begining and then press the right arrow key again to highlight the duration of the programme and add on the minutes I took off the start plus several more minutes to extend the duration which ensures that the recording doesn’t stop too soon.
Seen many of the problems, green screen slow change over etc… resolved with power on anf off. However left with reduced picture quality of the pictures with increased pixilation and grainy appearance around objects and words.
Hi all,
A quick note that we do have a Top Up TV Anytime forum at – as this thread is getting quite long, you may want to use the forum for some of the longer threads… Just a thought… Pete @ FrequencyCast
Like many others, we also have serious problems with our new DVR from TOPUPTV. The main problem is that it frequently locks up and refuses to respond to all controls from the remote keypad. Re-Booting only partly solves this for a short time. We often have to lie on the floor and use the micro buttons on the Thomson Box – This is all a real nightmare, and TOPUPTV have not responded to our emails, and we can never get hold of the customer care on the 0871 helpline.
We think this DVR requires at least 3 more months in rigorous software beta test since it was clearly not at all suitable for customer launch in Dec 2006!
I would like to know why Top Up TV don’t give a normal landline number instead of a 0870 or 0871 number. These numbers cost about 10p per minute to call and this is a rip-off especially when the query is about downloading faults.
I spent 22 mins on phone trying to sort this mess out. I am getting zero anytime programmes. Went thru all menus including engineers. It seems the box is scanning for only the strongest signal, with the update potentially solving the prob. I currently am strength 6 with quality 8 from Tacolneston. After asking for info on sending unit back, the bloke on the phone suggested having the 7 day cooling off period after the update download, around the 7th of Jan, with feb’s viewing for free. Seemed a sensible thing to do, so heres waiting for the 7th, or to Sky i go!!!
We have had all the crashes, over long channel switching, plug-unplug stuff. I live in hope of the ‘fix’ tomorrow (Jan 8th). It’s good for recording when it doesn’t chop the ends off or stop halfway. What I really hate though, is the downloads. It’s about 99% trash. I regularly delete the whole lot. All in all, it’s a bit of a let down. Well, it is a Thomson box……..
Utterley disgusted we have been conned. Programme downloads when you get them are not to my liking. technical problems with a box that was long overdue should never be they had time to test the system before going live. Thinking long and hard about continuing as a customer now.
thank God I found this site, having been a TUTV subscriber for two years I decided to upgrade to their new offer. I couldn’t get the £75 offer as I had missed a payment 12 months ago. Explaining that I had had my wallet stolen and in between setting up the new card number the payment had been due cut no ice. I also asked if we got more time with eurosport with the new deal Nix! So nix to you TUTV you can shove it.
Have had Top Up TV Anytime for about 3 weeks now. The first couple of weeks, the box was slightly unstable with a few black screens, and a couple of crashes requiring a reboot. Since then, the box has been near perfect, even prior to the software update as promised by Top Up TV on 8th January.
It’s a great service for the money if you have no problems with the receiver. If you do have problems, then I would suggest contacting customer services, and ask for a replacement receiver.
Since the update, the receiver has become faster at channel changes, and seems alot more responsive.
This is a new service, and the hardware is new too, so teething problems are to be expected.
I personally think you are ALL very lucky. My box is stuck on software version 0.93 which was a REALLY bad version!!! I keep calling TUTV without getting any joy!
As I have been trying to return the box since the 20/12/06 not to happy.
I kept being told that a software download would sort things out. I kept insisting that the box needed to work to receive the download.
Be warned the version 2.0 of the software by no means fixes all the ills of the box. I installed the update and followed all the instructions about rescanning the channels etc. The following morning the box was locked up and no content had been downloaded overnight.
I got through to the helpline and was kept on hold for 8 minutes before being told that the technical team were not yet in and someone would call me back. I didn’t get call.
I have since discovered that if you elect to record something at a time that clashed with the top up downloads you get warned but are allowed to proceed. Warning – if you elect to record your own programme it will not record and the box will lock.
So the moral of the story seems to be that you shouldn’t try and record anything from freeview after 9pm. If you do you probably won’t get it and you won’t get any new downloads either.
I’m a gnat’s wing away from cancelling and just using the box for freeview. Most of the problems seem to stem from the nightly download.
I was quite happy with the original service – this new option, if you can get it to work consistently properly, which i don’t think anyone has – is not what I was expecting from the advertisements from TUTV – I was expecting more live channels not recorded 2nd rate guff.
Also noted – when scanning for channels etc. in a good reception area I am only getting 5 frequencies (instead of 6) / 77 channels (instead of 96) / 19 TUTV – I have tried a second aerial with no improvement – yet my old TUTV box worked perfectly.
If no major improvements will have to resort to old box and free-view channels and seek refund etc. from TUTV – I’ve also voiced my concerns to BBC’s Watchdog programme – if they are intersted.
see also forum on top up TV – you are not alone…..
I have received my new top up TV box and would congratulate you on the way things have been downloaded.
I find instructions very easy to follow and have more variety in channels, which I can decide what to watch.
I do have one query,I leave the box on standby everynight – do I have to leave it on standby during the day when I am at work.
Once again congratulations.
1:45 PM, January 12, 2007
MMMM… I think Mr Topuptv might be making the odd comment here to try and even things out!
What do you think.
I took delivery of the TopupTV DTR box on 16.12.06. It was faulty from the start and after 3 calls to the premium rate number they eventually said on 19.12.06 that it should be returned for replacement. I was to await a returns slip to do so. To date, 15.1.07 this has not been received. I have made numerous calls and got engaged tone only after all the call steering, sent numerous emails and a letter. No reply. Then on 4.1.07 I wrote and said I wished to cancel my agreement and get a refund for the DTR box as it was not fit for purpose. Still nothing. I don’t know what else to do. I am still paying the £9.99 per month and cannot cancel this as it is paid from my credit card. What a rip off.
M. Daniels, I have same problem have been trying to return box since before Christmas still waiting for return slip. There must be a lot of people in same boat for it to take so long. Have given up trying to contact by phone as it takes at least 30 mins to get through and then only to be told that several different departments have to action a return slip and that it can take up to two weeks. Funny way to run a business in this day and age my gut feeling is that topup is going under.
Just scanned thru comments here, but I have had a prob not yet expressed: my saved recordings don’t stay saved, they disappear after a while, if recorded on nightly dload, they disappear when they would have if I hadn’t saved them!
However, I am mostly pleased with the box, though I’ve had to do a lot of unplugging and plugging in again. Picture quality excellent audio fine. Hopefully the s/w upgrade will resolve some annoying idiosyncracies – too early to tell yet.
TUTVA need to take note of our feedback. Lots of comments about downloads of progs we have absolutely NO interest in. I love the Hallmark stuff, but I have enough kids progs stored to keep the hoards happy for weeks, even though I’ve stopped everything ‘cept CN & Disney.
Took the plunge just after Xmas, and so glad I made the right choice, it may cost me £30 a month but SKY+ linked to a decent DVD/HDD with a freview reciever, has far out weighed TUTV. still its only a 12 month contract, by which time TUTV should have sorted the problems :\
I am really pleased with what the new box can do, and my digital picture is much better than with the old box. The only down side is that I find it very noisy. I appreciate it has a hard drive and a fan, but I can hear the noise even over the tv. If I want to be in the living room with no tv on, I have to unplug it as the noise is just too annoying. I know the info in the manual mentions the hum and says it is normal, but how can you tell whether it is normal noise or whether you have a machine that is too noisy for some reason?
Like probably everyone else I received the 2.0 download during w/c 8th January. I haven’t noticed too many improvements, though. Even the channel changing doesn’t seem to have speeded up.
One thing in particular I was hoping for was the ‘swap’ function to work. Admittedly, the documentation for this is very sparse, but it seemed to me that I might be able to record one channel to my DVD recorder while watching another channel.
Does anyone have any clues about this ‘feature’?
Kevin S. It should be possible to record one channel onto dvd and watch a different channel, I would experiment, get the dvd recording the channel you want and then just switch to another channel to watch on the tv. It should work. Good luck.
There is NO WAY I am chucking out my awesome Humax PVR-9200T Freeview PVR simply because TUTV decided to screw their service up! I’ll stick with Freeview and watch the extra channels at my parent’s house thank you very much.
Our DVR has failed to working correctly since 22nd December, and the DVR fails to respond to any remote commands, hence no possibility of recording selected programmes! We’ve been promised a new remote control from their customer services, but nothing has happened despite 2 further expensive telephone calls to customer services. We were very happy with the “old” TOPUPTV Service, but now bitterly regret having subscribed to this “new” dysfunctional & failing service!
Have just received replacement box. It took just over 4 weeks to arrive after Mr T/U agreed my box was defective. Can’t be bothered to try and get refund for lost viewing as it would certainly cost more in time and money (normally at least i/2 hour if lucky)trying to get through on the phone. On a bright side new box appears to be working well.
i have been a topup tv customer since the start wich i had no problems but since changeing to the so called new improved topup anytime i have had nothing but problems first i was told id get my box in october then they told me november i finaly got it five days before christmas then i was told that i should receve the programes that im paying for in a mater of seven days one a night it is now the end of january and have not receved any it cost me five pound on the phone to be kept on hold and still didnot talk to anyone that could help me !
a bit disappointed – would be nice to choose and get more of certain channels transferring from others.
I’m sorry to say that Topup TV are going to go the way of Digi-View if they don’t pick their ideas up sharpish! Their idea of quality program content is just a bit biased.
However the main problem I am getting is from the Thompson DTI6300 PVR that they are supplying, very unstable and not fit for the purposes to which it has been sold.
I would encourage anybody who has real taste in digital tv to head in the general direction of sky/cable/ntl and avoid Topup TV for the forseeable future, it has gone COMPLETELY downhill.
I want to decide what to record not what someone else thinks
I’m fuming mad. My Topup TV PVR has given up the ghost. Tech support suggest the following:
remove mains cable
replace mains cable
repeatedly press standby button
when all lights flash press menu then ok
Repeat until the box starts working again
I did this 6 or 7 times whilst online with no success. I was informed to keep trying and ring back at teatime.
I regret signing up to the 12 month agreement. I’ve been with TUTV since the start but now they are dropping live channels and reducing transmission times of others (Brit Eurosport for one) it is not the service I expected, was lead to beleive was going to be provided and their service breaches the Supply of Good and Services Act.
I want out, just as soon as I can get through to the cancellation dept at TUTV (they are only open from 9am to 5pm).
I received my TUTV box just before Christmas after a lengthy wait. I just wish I’d discovered this forum before signing up for 12 months. I managed to get through to TUTV on Saturday morning to complain about most of the problems already mentioned on this forum, only to speak to one very rude and condescending customer services advisor. I was told that Thomson are aware of the problems and will be rectified mid to end of February. I’m willing to wait until then and if there’s still no change to the service, I’m getting out, 12 months contract or not.
As of today it would appear that Discovery Channel has been dropped from TopUp TV’s channel list. We called them this evening and simply got told it had been dropped and that it was not announced that it was going to happen.
once again more missed recordings a freeze up i missed as i didnt have the tv on at the time meant it didnt record two programmes.
also 3 hours of saved programmes gone without trace.
even when i do manage to record stuff it jumps sometimes by a few seconds but in the past it has jumped upto 5 minetes and even rewinding has shown the missing section just isnt there.
im on my second box they replaced the first one for the same reasons and this time ive been told to wait for yet another miraculous download at the end of febuary (yeah like the last 2 did anything).
TUTV have commited a cardinal sin of buisiness they havent taken the power of the customer into account its not good when you appear on watchdog after just a few months of running a service. time to stop the BS and the fobbing off and sort out the problems dont you think TUTV
V3 firmware due in next fortnight
All the box and download problems will be sorted I am sure, what really worries me is the fact that the reason we joined Topuptv in the first place was the extra channels we had to choose from, we are left with just four now that Discovery has been taken off. UKTV Style is on for 3 hours a day which is a waste of time, British Eurosport – all the major sports are covered by Sky and terestial tv so that’s of little use. The only two channels worth watching are UKTV Gold and TCM. I wrote to Topuptv and they said there was no chance of them putting any channels back in the normal line up and that in the future they will be just doing the Anytime programmes. I pointed out that most people like to choose their channels and programmes but this cut no ice with them. I can see a time in 12 months or so when everyone has paid for their box that the view will be it’s not worth paying £9.99 a month for the two extra channels (worth watching) that they offer. Of course by then they could have got rid of those as well. They did say that if enough people contacted them they would listen to their views but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
My tutv is a nightmare, won’t go into the problems, much the same as everyone elses. However, I did find a solution to a very common problem, the one where the box freezes and disconnecting do not rectify, no matter how many times you press the damn remote control it refuses to respond….anyone familiar???, Yes, well I did the following and it solved the problem….Unplug at the mains socket, leave for one minute, once you reconnect go to front of box and take the card out and re-insert it then locate the on off button. Its just a small flat thingy on the front of the box… press it, you will then see the green light…problem solved, until the next time anyway!!
I received a replacement box at last (waiting since December 06). The promised free Picture Box for one month is non existent. I have emailed topuptv to no effect (as usual). The box keeps seizing up for no reason and has to be rebooted every few minutes. I cannot get out of the contract as I signed up for 12 months via credit card. Any suggestions anybody?
if the sevice your receiving from tutv isn’t the service you believe you are paying for it is a breach of contract and you are entitled to cancel your contract at any time,it doesn’t matter how long the contract is,if you paid by credit card your card company should be able to help you.if the product you have purchased is faulty you are entitled to a replacement (not a repair)or refund including subscription fees for services you can’t receive.use the sale of goods act and your customer statutory rights,if you don’t get what your paying for cancel and walk away i have and i dont miss it.when tutv started i went through several makes of stbox
all with faults like freezing,picture loss,poor response to total failure,until i found the humax 9200pvr-fantastic and totally reliable shame tutv or tutva will no longer support it.the future doesn’t look very bright for tutv or tutva does it???????
The Febuary 2007 software upgrade download is now delayed until early-mid march!
Still suffering many problems!
At last I have managed to cancel my contract. I emailed tutv stating I wished to cancel my contract, due to the DTR being “not fit for purpose”, return the DTR for a full refund and cancel the £9.99 charge to my credit card. Within 5 minutes of my email I received a telephone call confirming my account had been closed and promising a refund of £20 immediately, a label for return of the box and a further refund of £55 on receipt of the box. The label came within 3 days and the £20 has been credited to my card. No further payment has been charged either for March. I now await the £55 refund to close this matter. I must say I was surprised this was dealt with so quickly with their previous track record. Methinks the Watchdog programme did some good.
still having to reboot every morning. set box to record the wild west part3 and it said missed recording. to say i was totally pissed off is an understatement
does anyone know when the new software download is due
Lots of problems can be caused by the antenna itself and the direction it’s pointing in.
The tutv site has a recomendation of what signal strenght is accepted ( minimum is 5 )the site tells you how to get into the menu that will give you this information,mine is on the minimum but this does not explain the fact that a couple of films have just stopped showing just when it was getting interesting, I’m seriously thinking about going to SKY it has to be more reliable and you have the antenna set up by them? !!!!
I cannot believe that the posts on this site seem so calm and do not reflect that absolute frustration i have with this service. It has gone from a perfectly good cheap alternative to sky to a bunch of crap. I have not had a decent service yet and their customer contact centre is appalling. Every day i have a problem and the recording facility just does not work. When is this supposed all curing download which i have been told about. I am prepared to give them a chance yet again but my patience is wearing extremely thin
An over-the-air patch is being sent out at the moment – started yesterday. This brings software to v2.44. See
After starting the Blog and kept watching with interest and certainly glad I did not take up TUTV’s fantastic option I wonder if the ANON who wrote the blog on 12:36 AM, September 21, 2006,now wishes his parents had advised him. Not many things change for the better when you pay for services and support.
Today I am so peeved off with TUTV I have been searching to see if any others have had the same problems with them. I was amazed to find this blog, and with reference to Watchdog also. Since receipt of the DTR, we have had nothing but problems. In the main, it has bee reception, and I am aware of this having worked in communications for most of my life. The main problem was the continuous lock outs from the DTG, the rebooting every day. the loss of planned recordings, and many other matters. With regards to the possible 100 hours of overnight recordings, one would be lucky to get 6 – 8 hours of rubbish. We orginally upgraded to the TUTV Anytime because of what they offered and the channels and programmes they were broadcasting. Such channels as The New Yankee Workshop to mention one. Something I have enjoyed. TUTV decide to get rid of Discovery Real Time. Another channel we like is UK Brightideas, for the Housing Hunting, Living Abroad, Cooking, Gardening. Lately all the planned recordings have not happened. Today I reboot the DTR and find that the Channels have reduced from 88 down to 71. I have emailed TUTV on this.
Recently we had a big problem with reception. We always have from day one, but it got worse and worse. I purchased an aerial booster from Argos, even on full power it did not improve anything. Reception on Ch 5, Film 4, UK Brightideas, and a few others was unwatchable. I emailed TUTV again, to which they telephoned me. I explained the situation to the staff, explaining I had even tried an RF Loop, (that is removing the RF Block on the back of the DTR and replacing with a Coax Antenna Lead. This still did not make any difference. TUTV decided to send me an RF Loop cable to try this out. I duly did, but the same results.
I have just emailed them to say I am no longer happy with the system and once I have found an alternative I will be cancelling my contract with them.
hi top up tv anytime i bouth my box in febuary this year i have had many problems with it but now with this soft ware update we have just had v2.44 it has been working good no problems at all there is one thing throw will we be getting any new tv channels in our packige for no extra charge and when is our next soft ware update due many thanks r .t. duffy
Many of you will have received an email last week from “Claire” at TUTV (but actually from Roger Matthews, Sales & Marketing Director) saying how they were intending to “improve” the programme content, having listened to all our feedback. The main “bombshell” in this latest communication is that TCM is now to be TUTV Anytime only, i.e., not “live”.
Here is my reply to them:
“Dear “Claire”
With regard to the email (below) from Roger Matthews, I have to inform you that I am far from satisfied and even less impressed with your latest intentions to “improve” the service.
I assume from the statement (quote) “from April 10th, TCM will now only be available on Top Up TV Anytime” – that TCM will no longer be a “live” channel on your service, but only as a TUPTV overnight download? If so, then once again, as with other channels, such as the “Discovery Channel” which you have migrated away from “live” , I will have no control over the TCM programmes I receive, but will be dependant on your “handpicked” selections, which to date have proved less than satisfactory.
In my last email reply to you (which you failed to acknowledge), whilst agreeing that the latest software upgrade (2.44) had improved the reliability of the DTR box, I expressed my utter disappointment at the quality of the programme content. Your latest communication has done little to quell this disappointment.
Apart from F1, I am not a sports fan, so British Eurosport is of little interest to me. The other channels; Paramount Comedy, LivingTv, UKTV Style and UKTV Food are, in my opionion, devoid of very much quality content. A quick search on the internet confirms that many people are of the same opinion, so I am surprised that you ascertain these to be “popular”.
Allow me to be perfectly blunt. Most of the programmes downloaded overnight to the DTR box from TUPTV Anytime are utter rubbish. Each evening, I scan through the previous night’s downloads and delete them all (a process which now takes even longer since the latest software upgrade) .
Once again, I re-iterate my intention to cancel my subscription to TUPTV Anytime at the end of my existing contract, unless the content quality of programmes are substantially improved by that time.
Yours etc. ,
Please, please, please all of you out there. DO NOT GET TOP UP TV.
Has anybody got subtitles yet? I got this box yesterday (27th April) and of course nobody told me that there weren’t going to be any subtitles. So I got somebody to phone for me and they said “definitely in the next two weeks”. I thought normal freeview would at least have subtitles? I don’t really care about all the other issues (although it would be nice to have the top up anytime programs- haven’t had any yet)I’m more concerned about having no tv at all now to watch (lack of subtitles). I gave my old freeview box away. Please help.
Thanks Deborah
the top up tv service is terible ,dont get it i feel i have been completely ripped off and am gonna try and get out of my contract,channels dont come through hardly,and the machine has 2 be left on all night which is very un eco friendly and a fire hazard,and to top it off the remote packed up 5 mins ago totaly disgusted!
I gave up waiting, and went and bought a small cheap freeview box today. The subtitle thing is being seriously dragged out and this morning I got an email saying that the download should be ready by the end of april….APRIL. …. Not impressed. If I could hear it would be fine, it works well, uptodate, handy recording feature but if I did it all again, I would just buy a hard disk recorder freeview box. Argos are selling them for £99.99. If only we could warn all new potential tutvA buyers….
I have the old topup tv and am fedup with the service also reduced viewing, no faith in tv Anytime . CANCELLING SUBSCRIPTION.
what is the point of tv manufacturers installing a card slot for top up tv when its useless? i cant see how tutv get away with it, DEMANDING you buy A NEW BOX ! so all freeview boxes
recently bought with card slots are useless! yes i agree it sucks!
HI top up tv anytime i want to know when the next software update is due for subtitles you had said the end of april still waiting for it and the programes are being repeat again i have watched that so raven and that was repeat why the programes are shit i likeed watching blue murder and thats gone now we want more new channels to thanks r.t.duffy
Finally fed up with phoning and writing – I’ve not had a trouble free month since subscribing – I’ve just cancelled my subscription. The picture froze on Saturday night and after several attempts at applying procedures – received over the phone on Sunday – when a technician was supposed to call me back (But didn’t) – had no TV at all! So enough is enough – I’ve persevered but have been let down.
Don’t suppose you want to buy back your useless box?
Chris Jones
If these new boxes were motor cars, they would not be allowed on the road. Topuptv must be close to going bust – it is all therir own fault – customer services have been lying to customers for nearly six months. False deadlines – magic wand promise for evrything. As for subtitles – I have an e-mail from top up that confirms they knew all along prior to launch that subtitles would be a major problem – i.e non-existant. They have badly let down their disabled customers – and did so knowingly !!!!!!!! Their so called contracts are not worth the paper they are printed on – and again they know it. As for content – they are sending kcheap kids programms and multiple editions in single downloads. MY mute button doesn’t work – no subtitles and crap content. By the way, I belive after all their false promises to fix ‘everything’ in the next download, top up tv know if they don’t thousands of customer will walk away – and topup will go bust very quickly. By the way – as a lawyer – I have noticed that the main company is based off-shore. Very worrying if things go pear shaped. If top up want to call me my number is 0870 895 9062 (yes, topup – it is 10 bloody pence a minute just like your useless customer services) Stphen Everitt-Rowe LLM
We are sick and tired of the poor service. The signal is dreadful on major channels even though the weather is fine. It cosntantly fails to download programmes we have set it to record and the sounds skips on it constantly. Wish we had stuck with freeview!
TUTV, what a load of rubbish! I have had nothing but trouble since receiving my DTR. Transmission ending before scheduled programme end? Downloads with missing ending, I think TUTV have bitten off more than they can chew. I have stopped my DD they tell me I can’t, contract, etc. Now box u/s, freezes when library is viewed, unable to return to TV, switch off box or delete downloaded content. By the way, does anyone know the childs name who selects the downloads? Jim.
TUTV, what a load of rubbish! I have had nothing but trouble since receiving my DTR. Transmission ending before scheduled programme end? Downloads with missing ending, I think TUTV have bitten off more than they can chew. I have stopped my DD they tell me I can’t, contract, etc. Now box u/s, freezes when library is viewed, unable to return to TV, switch off box or delete downloaded content. By the way, does anyone know the childs name who selects the downloads? Jim.
hi everyone i have a problem i have had a bank stament through the door today they have charged me £14.99 from top up tv anytime but in the past few months i have been charged loads of money i phone them up and i explained wot had happened to them in febuary i phone them up to say i was charge twice they said there was nothing they could do they keep on taking payment out every coulpe of weeks and it meant to be every month wot should i do i am getting rip of please help thanks
cancel your direct debit, then they will talk
new s/w due Tuesday 3rd July
Latest build
Sorry I haven’t posted for a while but Kieron has been very active covering all the bases so I’ve been relegated to a ‘watching brief’. Kieron is now taking a very well earned break and so, you’re stuck with me again for a bit.
We’re likely to be running the next OAD very shortly so I thought I’d give you a run-down of what we’ve found in testing and the Beta trial:
Improvements & Developments
• Subtitles – closed captioning both on Live and Recorded events
• Plasma Blanking is implemented with variable trigger times in TV Set-Up
• Video Glitching is improved (see below1)
• EPG synopsis pop-up delay maximum is increased to 10 seconds
• Library status icons are now displayed in TUTVAnytime pop-up
• “Disk space remaining” value is now reported in the Library screen as well as in Planned Recordings
• “Messages” and “Customise Top Up TV Anytime” have been repeated on the Main Menu screen
• “Messages” now displays the number of unread messages
• Conflict logic has been augmented to allow addition of new Anytime segments
• Advanced menu has been included in standard menus
• ALOD has been improved*
• CA Authorisation handling has been improved*
• Impulse Record & Retrospective Buffer has been tidied up
• MHEG (as seen in BBC multiscreen) has been corrected
• Placeholder handling has been corrected
• Time offset protection has been introduced*
• “Purge VOD schedule” is added*
• “Disable Time Checking” is added*
* File handling on boot and startup has been improved which should lower the incidence of ALOD and we have had good results in testing and in Beta.
* We have an issue in previous builds where an activation is received by the unit and passed to the card but is not reported to the higher level application. This means that – whilst the authorisation is on the card – this is not recognised by the Anytime system and the VOD (and decoding of encrypted channels) will fail until the box is forced to go and look at the card which is done on a power cycle or if the card is reseated. This is now fixed.
* We have had – as many of you have seen – problems caused by rogue time offset or descriptor tables being broadcast by – well, no names, no packdrill. This is obviously critical to our system in a way that is less so for other boxes as the system uses the time/date data to determine when it records and deletes. This has led to recordings disappearing and VoD not being loaded so we have built some protection logic into the box to guard against this.
* We’ve also added “Purge VOD Schedule” and “Disable Time Checking” as engineering options. These are to allow us to get rid of a VOD schedule if the TOT/TDT data is incorrect and the box won’t revert to the updated schedule and to get it to ignore incorrect TDT/TOT references. I suspect we won’t have to use these much.
Still to Do
1st event record†
Recording failure due to over-cautious space prediction†
“Signal Error” message clearance†
File handling on FF transition to Play or FR~
†Recordings of the first event in a day part channel are failing. This is due to a bug in the SI handling and will be solved in the next build.
†Recording failure due to “predicted to fail due to lack of disk space” – this can currently be experienced even when the box reports enough space available for a recording. This has been identified and fixed in the alpha build we’re testing now but was too late to make it into this release.
†The tuner drivers can sometimes report “no signal” either for a momentary drop out or for errored packets. This icon should be cleared by the high level application when this call is resolved but in some cases is not. This results in the icon being displayed over present video. We aim to fix this in the next build.
2.81 Conclusions
Side by side tests with 2.44 and from the Beta tests have shown that 2.81 is better than 2.44
Stability also seems to have improved and the UI and feature enhancements have been well received.
The next build
We’re already busy with the next build and have the UI and application changes in alpha test.. I won’t spoil all the surprises though but you can expect this to follow soon.
Future work
~Low level file handling issues are causing the device to lose track of where it is in a file during the playback or trick play of an event. This often leads to big ‘skips’ in the playback unless transitions are performed through ‘play’. We’ll keep you posted on this.
~General stability – we always aim to improve the general stability of the box and will continue to do so over the next builds – again – we’ll keep you posted.
Thanks again and I look forward to hearing how it goes.
hi simon the new upgrade wot i have recieved is excellent final got subtittles on and my box does not crash anymore i look forward to the next up grade very soon thank you from robert
How do I get the new software?
The new software download is a vast improvement.
Especially now we have subtitles, and the reliability seems to be improving all the time.
There has been a few problems with the downloads over the last couple of weeks though, and there doesn’t seem to be a reason for it.
It’s possible that something somewhere at some of the transmitters has changed to cause this.
Looking forward to future updates to the software, that looks like it’s going to have some “must have” facilities that other more expensive PVR’s have, but will surpass them.
It’s worthh sticking with, this service, and hardware is getting better all the time.
ARGH! I AM SO EXCITED!!! Flicked thru this page like I have been doing for months and read that subtitles are available!! Now forcing OAD and am incredibly excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i i want some help we are getting a upgrade next week its called extra content wot doeas it mean
hi top up tv i want to now when is this new channel called virgin coming to the box replacing ftn just recieved a new down load with the new programmes it sounds good thanks
Top Up TV had also found itself on the wrong side of a number of Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and Ofcom adjudications [10] [11] [12] [13] [14], which have ruled that Top Up TV’s advertising does not make the time-shared nature of the service clear enough. Their advertisements have been criticised in these ruling for appearing to indicate that 11 full channels are on offer when, in fact, the company only has broadcast access to 4.5 channel spaces and none of their channel offerings are broadcast full-time unlike their satellite and cable competitors.
The time sharing system had also lead to criticism as it has cut programmes off before they are finished – especially on British Eurosport, and to a lesser extent on UKTV Gold. In its argument to the Advertising Standards Authority (see above), Top Up TV claimed that its channel suppliers joining the service had given an undertaking to align their channel’s schedules to fit around Top Up TV’s time sharing but that still left a few programmes cut off part way through.
On May 18, 2006 Top Up TV Ltd, Top Up TV’s holding company, changed its name to Minds 1 Limited and entered members voluntary liquidation [15]. According to Top Up TV the move is part of a restructuring programme, and will see the company demerged into three separate companies; Top Up TV 1 Limited, Top Up TV 2 Limited, and Top Up TV 3 Limited. The voluntary liquidation, combined with the initial heavy £7 million loss as reported in its own annual report, has resulted in increased media speculation regarding the viability and future of Top Up TV.
Recently spoke to top up tv anytime on the phone with a view to buying the service. The people on the phone were either of limited intelligence or were deliberately pretending not to understand the points I was making. Having since read all these blogs I can see why. I am not surprised people were not aware that you only had a limited live program ability. The guy I spoke to, and asked this question, just “could not understand” the concept of this question and many others. They’ve obviously been trained to be vague when asked questions that show it for the con it really is. I will not be going anywhere near top up tv ever again.
Hi everyone,
Long-time lurker, first-time poster.
Since we had the TUTV Anytime box in December 2006 it has constantly crashed and missed recordings, and the series link and subtitles have only just started working after the latest sofware download. Small comfort.
I have been calling TUTV at least twice a month since we got the thing, noting the name of the member of staff, time called and what discussed / promised. By June I had had enough of broken promises (they never call back), and duff advice such as ‘turn it off and on again’… so I cancelled my Direct Debit.
Then all hell broke loose. Despite never responding to my calls or letters, the moment they noticed my DD had been cancelled they wrote me a snotty letter threatening to pass my details to a debt recovery agency. I called them back, insisted on speaking to a team leader, and listed the numerous problems and my attempts to resolve them. She basically called me a liar, denied any knowledege of my earlier calls, and insisted that the subtitles, series link, etc, DID work.
But she did agree to hold off involving a debt recovery agency, gave me a month off the subscription and promised the technicians would call me the following evening to resolve the problems… But surprise, surprise, no-one called me back.
I wrote back to them pointing out their latest failure to keep their promises and asked for a returns label and a refund. No reply.
The subtitles and series link functions spontaneously started working about three weeks ago.
Yet in the meantime my TUTV account appears to have been frozen, meaning i can’t view any of the downloaded content… more’s the pity, as it was a load of rubbish repeats anyway!
So it appears that I have ‘won’, in a sense. I’m free of the 12 month contract, and since the TUTV downloads ceased I have a massive 80 hours of space on the hard drive. (Although for £75.00 I could no doubt buy a better Freeview PVR with more features and a clearer picture.)
So anyone reading this who is thinking of signing up – DON’T. And if you’re trying to get out of a TUTV contract – write to them, list your grievances and cancel your Direct Debit if you don’t hear from them within 14 days.
Disgruntled former TUTV customer
hi every one wot is going on with this website why have they took top up tv anytime of this website for
For anyone wishing to sign up for a 12 month contract-DONT.I have had to endure 11 months of a total rubbish service,with no help from customer services except reams of emails for resetting,and rebooting.It sill freezes,shuts off recording before program ends,uploads during day,orange light goes on for ages during day,requiring rebooting,signal goes when the slightest motorcar/motobike goes past,24 hr whirring noise.All in all,the basic package from Sky has got to be better,and the SAY their customer service is a lot better.So I will not be renewing after the expiry of 12 months of viewing hell.
I have had all the same problems as the last post. Having searched high and low for the answers I think I have resolved some of my problems. It states that there should be a minimum of 15% disc space free at anyone time, so I started to delete some of the programmes that were saved overnight until I reached the magic 15%. Fingers crossed most of my issues have been sorted. However, I must agree with most of the posts that this is not a good and fair service for the amount you pay per month. I too will be looking for another provider once my 12 months is up. Hope this helps to resolve some of your problems.
I bought a Thomson Freeview recorder bundled with a free TUTV bundle
I was told by the salesman that the month starts once I put my card into the machine.
Two weeks later when I got round t opening my letter, it mentioned that I would have to cancel my trail by a certain date, about two weeks time now. I phoned them and asked is that the date I will get charged for the service, of which the reply was yes. And they told me the card is activated from the date it is sent out. This is a contradiction from what the first sales guy had said. So basically I had been given mis information / lied to just so they can get my card details and the possibility I would not cancel in time and make there extra money.
Why can’t free trails let you decide to pay for the rest? Either they have no confidence in there service of how good it is that customers would be happy to carry on and pay , or sounds like they do this to make money from new users who accidentally go over there free trial period. Much like a DVD rental company I once tried with.
I complained about the fact I had to phone them due to there fault and they gave me a refund of £9.99 to cover the calls to the 0870 and for the inconvenience. Although I did say id report them too.
All I got to do is check in two weeks to make sure they have refunded me, since reading some comments from above about them being a con type company. Which means that they might try there luck at no refunding me. But don’t worry I will like some of you persevere. Since they must make millions this way over the masses of people who do try.
Rip off is a good word.
Just purchased thomson DTI 6300-16 160GB,how dd i get 120 hours recording space? Thanks,Jimbo.
One word to describe the whole TUTV thing C*!p.
tutv in two words dont bother
just glad ive read all the reviews as i thought it was me doing something wrong with dti box and im still only on the first week of my tutv trial so yes you guess it im going to cancel
OK, I’ve been playing with my one for the last 4 months and all I can say is – THE DEVICE IS UNFIT FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT IS SOLD
After being used as a recorder for some months, the unit now regularly corrupts recordings – AND when this happens IT ALSO LOSES ANY SERIES LINK ENTRIES – this means if you were recording a series, it stops doing it!
It locks up regularly to the point of requiring power cycling at the wall switch and many times it ranges from difficult to almost impossible to delete corrupt recordings – attempting to play or delete them ofetn results in a system lockup.
I believe this box is Linux-based, after observing the hard drive format and the way certain things are done – Linux/GPL licensing conditions REQUIRE that customers be made aware that they are buying GPL software-based equipment, and the software + SOURCE CODE must be made available, along with the source code of any modifications made to the software – this is not done with the TUTV box – that makes the device a copyright violation and TopUpTV a bunch of SOFTWARE PIRATE
Internally – the chipset was obseleted 2 years ago and chipset manufacturer data (SG/Thomson) makes it clear that it’s specifically intended for this purpose – however they refuse to divulge technical specifications – Thomson have been sucessfully sued for GPL software violations in the past and I believe they’re doing it again.
Moving onto the software – the front panel USB slot is intended for a hard drive. This is part of the software in the chipset. It appears that TUTV had deliberately disabled it, as well as encrypting even freeview recordings on the internal hard drive, making it impossible for users to extract their recordings.
I am currently working on finding out how they’re encrypted as I believe the frontend software being used is GPL software being used illegally with obfustication being used to disguise this – TUTV whould take note that the last UK company found to be doing this went out of business as a direct result of legal action which proved “willful” copyright violations instead of merely accidental/unintentional violation
I believe the instability and terrible general performance is a direct result of incompetent and obfusticated modifications of existing programs by TUTV – there are other boxes based on this chipset on the market and they work fine.
Looking forward to seeing court orders blowing this mess open. Just because TUTV is Jersey based won’t protect them and there is plenty of european legal precedent over the last 10 years.
Guys: Comply with GPL conditions, it would take you 45 minutes to do so. The last judgment against a company which deliberately violated GPL and set out to obscure that they’d done so resulted in costs, legal fees, damages approching 250,000 pounds and orders requiring they not only remove the product from the market but also that all sold copies be taken back and purshasers compensated – that was a small company. Judgements go up with the egariousness of the violations.
Software piracy is software piracy. If TUTV do not comply with licensing conditions then they as pirates as much as any knockoff artist flogging counterfeit copies of Microsoft Office.
hi why can’t uktv style be unscrambled?
Cancelled subscription to TopUpTV, downloaded programmes were either repeats of ex terrestrial series or just not my choice of viewing. Since cancelling, my box keeps being sent upgrades, the latest has managed to make the box virtually useless, it locks up Live TV approximately every 25 minutes. So if you’re considering this as an option be aware that the programmes may not be worth the extra and the box has been problematic from day one, but is now worse than ever.
Hi I have purchased the 250GB model and it says I have 60 odd hours of recording time but I was lead to beleive it had 180 hours. I was swapped tuners to see if it was distributed between to the two but the both give the same value.
All TUTV progs should be unscrambled cus all they got is repeated repeats of repeats of repeats ad infinitum the service now is a pile of hog wallop think i am going to have to look at freesat and a decent dish we pay an license fee in this country therefore we should NOT pe asked to pay to watch TV rules should be if it is broadcast in this country or beamed at this country then it has to be UN scrambled and FREE
YMMV mine dont !
Top Up TV, Well its the worse investment i’ve made in a while . I have had no end of problems with my box and the lock out over the bank holliday was the last straw.
I was also charged exra on my monthly bill without notice and was told because i whish to cancel my top up tv and stetanta sport subs i would have to pay an etra admin fee without revceiving the channel for my payment.
TRake my word for it go with Sky at least you know were you are and no signal interferance and missed recrdings etc to contend with. Top up tv is the pits.
Why should we pay for channels like Sky and UK Gold. It’s just a plot to extort more money from us. I’d like to hear from anyone who knows how to bypass these decoder things.
Same with me – box freezes for no reason, and sometimes shows the recording light but fails to actually record, meaning if you go on holiday for a week and this happens first night, everything else also fails.
Nothing but problems since day 1, and trying to cancel the subscription channel took half an hour on the phone!