Lots for fan of Apple products to sink their teeth into as Apple has released a new set of iPods, a new version of firmware for the iPhone, and an updated iTunes. Here’s a summary:
New iPods:
A new iPod Nano has been released, sporting a video camera and a slightly larger screen. 8 Gig version is £115 and 16 Gig model is £135. At last, an FM radio has been added, as has voiceover, Genius mixes and a pedometer.
There has also been an update to the screen and button-less iPod shuffle, which now comes in Pink, Green and Blue.
There’s also a 64 Gig iPod Touch, for just under £300
iPhone OS3.1
The new iPhone OS adds support for Genius mixes, and will recommend applications that you may be interested in downloading, based on your previous purchases. There are a number of fixes too, including better Wi-Fi performance when using Bluetooth, a phishing alert in the browser, and improved Exchange calendar sync.
iTunes 9
An improved user interface and a new feature called Home Sharing that will let up to 5 authorised computers share music, TV shows and applications.
There’s also iTunes LP, which will supply extra goodies with purchased albums, including song lyrics, photos and video clips.
You can also organise the layout of your iPhone and iPod Touch screens from within iTunes, and there is now more control over what you decide you want to sync to your device.
Lots of new toys to play with. Enjoy!